Internet in Thailand

Bangkok NightlifeThere are a number of options when it comes to the internet in Thailand. Hosting in Thailand is costly so most companies tend to host outside of the country. You can search for a hosting company online as the cost of international bandwidth in Thailand is very costly. Even the large Thai forums such as Thai visa tend to host in Singapore as the bandwidth cost is lower.

Internet in Thailand

About 10 years ago in Thailand you could buy a normal internet card at the local cafe for access to the internet but this has all changed to contract accounts now. True is the biggest player in the field and has the largest subscriber base in Thailand. You can get a good internet connection in the price range of 800฿ per month.

This is good enough for web development of watching Youtube. It has improved over the last 3 years as the 800฿ per month package used to give you slow Youtube videos where it spent more time caching that streaming. Today this has changed and the mid-range internet package is very good. True also operates its own international gateway in Thailand like many others.

See also  Living in Thailand


International Gateways

Code Name Operator
ADC-IIG ADC International Internet Gateway Advance Datanetwork Communications
BBConnect-IIG BB Connect Internet Gateway BB Connect
CAT-IIG International Internet Gateway CAT Telecom
CSL-IIG CS Loxinfo International Gateway CS Loxinfo
JASTEL-IIG JasTel International Internet Gateway JasTel
Symphony-IIG Symphony International Internet Gateway Symphony Communication
SBN-IIG SBN International Internet Gateway Super Broadband Network
TCCT-IIG TCCT International Internet Gateway TCC Technology
TIG-IIG True International Internet Gateway True Internet
TOT-IIG International Internet Gateway TOT


International & Domestic Bandwidth

Month/Year International Bandwidth (Mbit/s) Domestic Bandwidth (Mbit/s)
02/2013 526,063 1,072,055
08/2012 405,860 1,006,140
08/2010 158,680 721,217
12/2009 104,595 619,317
12/2008 55,095 251,091
12/2007 22,073 157,010
12/2006 9,909 53,773
12/2005 6,808 28,721
12/2004 3,006 21,379
12/2003 1,438 10,409
12/2002 1,011 2,572
12/2001 642 1,089
12/2000 255 584


ISP’s in Thailand

Jasmine Internet used to be very good years ago especially in Pattaya as TOT was the broadband provider and dominated the area in terms of users. Today its a mixed bag but most expats tend to stick to the monthly contract with True as it is cheap and stable. If you are going to run a business then mixing them is good if you want to use VOIP.

Most companies tend to mix True with TOT or BB Connect. dont mind their web pages as it is all in Thai even the English version but you can read between the lines. This is what is on offer for the consumer. Dont be fooled by the MB/s. This package gives you 100kb/s download and 50kb/s upload. You can push it a bit further after midnight to about 110kb/s download and 60kb/s upload.

Internet in Thailand


See also the Cost of Living in Bangkok Food as well as the Cost of Living in Pattaya Food. There is also an article on Gateway Ekkamai as well as BTS Ekkamai Station itself.



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